I Don't Know What The Future Holds In Store For Us (And Neither Do You)

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
— Dean Acheson

I don't know what the future holds in store for me (and neither do you). It's a wild ride that we call life.

The more I attempt to control my life, the less it seems I get to experience it. I forget that everything we do is nothing more than a construct. A thought, an idea, a creation brought to life that helps to explain the unexplainable. We want answers where there are none.

We love the idea of predictability and having the certainty that we know what's coming next — except life is a mystery.

I'm not a religious guy, but I know a miracle when I see and taste it. I'm not in this world, I'm of this world.

I live in a city that reinforces a far different belief (like all cities do) that humans are different than everything else in nature. We don't come from the same stock. There's nature, and then there's us. It's a construct that I bought into until the world collapsed.

The world shut down as if to tell us, wake the fuck up. You, me and the other eight billion fools playing a game of us versus nature just lost. Except it's like an episode of The Last Dance with Michael Jordan. Sure, you were playing but when you reflect back on what you were up against, you had zero fucking chance of winning.

I need to start treating life like the miracle it is. Work, money, and "success" are the adult versions of a sandbox. I'm not saying I'm giving up to go live in the forest. I'm saying that I recognize these are games so I need to stop taking them so fucking seriously.

Don't like the game you're playing? Think the rules of the game suck? Stop playing. Play the games you want to play. Play the games you enjoy. Make your own games. This isn't an excuse to give up when shit gets hard. It's a reminder that anything worth doing is hard. So don't waste your time doing shit where the effort and reward aren't worth it.

Life is short. Don't sacrifice your life for a game you don't care about.

Now is the perfect time to reflect.

What games are you going to play next year? And more importantly, what games are you going to stop playing? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Christopher Wilson

If you want to perform at your best without sacrificing your health, your happiness and your passion for life, then I want to support you in getting there.


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