Read The Articles by Chris Wilson
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You Can't Afford To Do Nothing (If You Want A Better Life)
Why do we put off decisions that could give us a better future? I've been at that crossroads many times in my life. Whether it was a decision to start my own business, launch a podcast or even ask my partner to marry me. I knew all three of these decisions would give me a better life. But in the back of my head, all I could think about is what if I ended up being a colossal failure?
In Defense Of Simplicity (Why To-Do Tools Suck)
I love looking down at my brown pocket-sized book and knowing that my dreams have a plan. It gives me a quiet confidence that anything is possible. It serves as a daily visual reminder of what it is I want to accomplish that day (and with my life).
Are You Facing A Tough Decision? This One Is For You.
Starting again can often feel like a failure. Like you somehow screwed up or made a choice that veered you off course into the iceberg that sunk the ship. This idea that everything needs to be scrapped is what gives it such an emotional sting. Sometimes the dread of having to tell people that you've given up feels more gut-wrenching than the decision to toss in the towel. Yet if we think about what we're really after; are we ever really starting over again if we're taking lessons away from an experience?
I Don't Know What The Future Holds In Store For Us (And Neither Do You)
I need to start treating life like the miracle it is. Work, money, and "success" are the adult versions of a sandbox. I'm not saying I'm giving up to go live in the forest. I'm saying that I recognize these are games so I need to stop taking them so fucking seriously.
How To Plan A Productive And Fulfilling Day (Even If Your Life Feels Chaotic)
Is it possible to throw up the white flag before the week even starts? By Sunday, the dreaded overwhelming thought of Not another Monday sinks in. Your mind has done what it does best, slipped into a focus of the mountain of work you need to get done in the upcoming week. You spend the rest of the weekend distracted, irritated and frustrated — you're sick of feeling like you never have enough time to get everything done. You're exhausted and can't help but feel like your home life is suffering. You're struggling to be present. This isn't the life you want. But where do you begin if you have no idea where to start?
How To Turn Your Everyday Life Into An Adventure
There's always an adventure waiting for a hero, you just might have forgotten that you can be that hero. You can be the one who sets off on the adventure of a lifetime. But, will you? This article will let you overcome the biggest villain that is opposing you getting what you want in life.