Our Weekly Inspirational Newsletter For Professionals & Business Owners
Join 1,400+ People Who’ve
Found Their Lifeline
Every week, 1,400 people open this email and tell me it feels like I’ve read their mind. It’s the words they needed but didn’t know how to find. People say it’s their weekly gut-check, a dose of brutal honesty, and sometimes, the one thing that keeps them going.
I love today's newsletter and how it makes me pause and consider your always legendary fabulous questions. Thank you for the questions to help me to pause and think about what's important. Reading your emails on Sundays has made me feel less alone.
-Jody J
Wow. Yet again you’ve cut right to the bottom line which is what we truly need. No BS. Just plain truth. Love it Chris and it’s timely for me as usual. Love LOVE it!
You are absolutely right, your email kicked me right in the feels. And got me thinking - yes I'm hard on myself and others. Because I'm not taking responsibility - but if I haven't got 5 minutes, what have I got?
Thank you, Chris. You are awesome… when I wake up in the morning and read one of your emails, It very often changes my perspective for the entire day. I’m so happy that you do what you do and then it fulfills you!!
-Rita O
Once again, you've nailed my ass to the wall and I could not love you more for it!!
-Susan S
Good morning Chris. Man I freakin LOVE your emails! I often wonder how many lives besides mine you touch every Sunday. Not even counting the rest of the week and your other endeavours. Just these.
So…when I started receiving your emails I was an absolute mess. Starting over with almost nothing to my name at 59, living in my sister’s basement and feeling completely lost. Fast forward 3 short years and I own my own home and have reconnected with my first love. Yup…my cup is overflowing so much that every chance I get, I pay it forward! I am grateful. To you and a handful of others who got me through those horribly dark times with my inner”heart” intact despite the gut punch. For the first time ever I love my life. I love the people in it and the ones I’ve yet to meet or cross paths with. Thank you. So very much.
-Judy H
I have never responded to one of these newsletters and certainly don’t expect a personal response. I just wanted to share how you have been positively impacting my life for a while and how much I appreciate and value you. :)
May I say you are amazing too? This was a very timely message. I am having the global management team and additional management people in house this week. This means a lot of work and preciously little recognition. I was not exactly looking forward to the week, when coming into work this morning. You have just lifted my spirit, so major thank you! I will endeavour to only take on today, what I can recover from tomorrow. Words of wisdom
I don't know how or when I started receiving your emails , but I'm very thankful that I do your messages are so encouraging and beneficial your are truly talented and helpful .Thank you for that god bless
-Holly W
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your emails are so helpful and down to earth. Just reading this one this morning makes it so much easier for me to get out of bed today. Thank you for all you do to help others.
-Rita O
Thanks for that. In my gratitude journal it asked who am I grateful for; I am grateful for you and your honesty and authenticity in your writing. It truly helps.
-Fiona M
It is absolutely uncanny Chris. Your emails seem to arrive at the right time discussing the exact demon or issue that I (and many others I’m sure) are grappling with. I love your writing because there isn’t any fluffy crap. It is direct, targeted to your topic and effective because you just get right to the point. Please don’t ever doubt for a single second that your words aren’t effective and potentially life changing for those you send it to if they choose to read them. For some, you may be planting the seeds that will help somewhere down the line. For others the change could easily come instantly. For me, I’m a work in progress but I keep progressing because of the wisdom and help from people like you!
They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears and when the student is ready the teacher dis-appears. For now, you are one of my most valued and treasured teachers. Thank you! But I’ll need to stick around a while yet…lol.
-Judy C
Here's to a vulnerable Sunday. I do find such value, kindness and honesty in your newsletter. Your words bring me to a place of experimental vulnerability where I step through the portal and simply am. Thank you for your perseverance to connect to us all.
-Terry T
I wanted to let you know how much I am getting out of your writing and weekly emails. It’s helping me on my journey in life especially with what I am dealing with at the moment so thank you.
-Fiona M
Yours is the only newsletter I look forward to receiving and religiously open and read in its entirety every week. It’s damn good.
The content is pure gold and I really resonate with your straightforward and authentic communication style. THANK YOU. 🙏🏼
-Monci H
Your emails are always like a ray of sunshine in my inbox.
When I received this email from you, I was feeling like such a L-O-S-E-R for letting these two individuals have SO much control over me and my well-being. Yet, once I made that connection, I was determined to make a CHANGE in the right direction. This was a HUGE awakening for me, and I've spend this past month really trying to do some intentional healing work on myself, which has created some amazing results for me, which I'm now happy to share with you.
-Christine L
I can’t tell you how much I - well enjoy isn’t the word - but find value in your emails.
Who am I? I am a survivor. My cancer battle went really well last year, but my six month check up just indicated its not over. I will make the time to do every last stupid people trick, out there energy voodoo hippy cure that comes my way. I will stick with the ones that speak to me. I will take no less than two hours out of every day dedicated to improving my lifestyle to kill this stuff. My intention every morning now: I kill cancer cells. And I’m gonna kill cancer cells while being fully present with my husband and family and enjoying every day and feeling blessed that we get to make a living the way we do.
Thanks for making me write this out.
This is a new closing for me but I truly wish to send blessings your way.
-Amber W
Wow! Chris!! Powerful email today! I was, in fact, waiting on a sign. LOL! I guess now would be a great time to stop waiting.
-Kathryn S.
Mike here! I'm a subscriber to your WONDERFUL newsletter, for about the last 5 months now! Just wish to seize a rare moment to BE PROACTIVE to reach out & take a moment to share how much your newsletters mean & I wish I could print them all out & frame them to my big wall!!....I read there &, even though you don't know me, your writing is HYPER~insightful & "piercing " in its poignancy/relevance regarding my own daily struggles that, up to now, seem overwhelming..... I want to take a moment to extend to you a HUGE🌟🙏🙏🙏THANK YOU for the hope, encouragement & strength you impart AND for your efforts & dedication & wisdom~they're exemplary & it's your gift to us all!
Your post inspired me today in the most wonderful way. I reached out to a former colleague that I had a falling out with and we made up and had a very healing conversation. This poem below was the sign that I needed. I am forever grateful.
-Dessi P
Your emails make me happy. I thank you for that. Most shit really is just cluttering up my inbox. I just wanted to let you know that your messages matter and make a difference to me.
-Cleopatra C
Just saying thank you its not enough, but after reading your article, something happens inside of me, I have to do something, right now, I don’t want to stay in my place, Is critical that I must to go out, I don’t now where I’m going, just to look for any opportunity, and I won’t reject it. Thank you again
-Luis Z
I just wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you. Your words always resonate with me but this note was so what I needed to hear today. Not to get too personal, but my husband and I decided to separate on Friday. Despite our great love for each other, it is time and mainly due to me outsourcing my compass and focusing on everything other than the the three key questions. I’m scared but this message really helped me to reframe, to give permission to that part of me that yearns to find new personal shores if I’m willing to sit and reflect and feel and learn.
-Kim B
I hope you are doing well. I am writing to let you know how I always look forward to your emails. There was a day you wrote about letting fear hold us and prevent us from doing the things our very own hearts and minds dream of and I wrote back, shared my fears about wanting to be an artist but being afraid of what's going to happen if I try and you replied with kindness and encouragement.
As we speak, I challenged my fears and went after my dreams. I registered for a design course and even joined an online course where I am learning all the basics. I still get afraid but it's no longer an obstacle but rather a voice that I am learning how to manage and ignore for some time.
Thank you for writing these emails and sharing your story, experience with me.
Love your newsletters and they so often give me a pep in my step. Thank you for sacrificing to build others up!
-Jennifer L
Oh my goodness Chris you will ever know how much I needed your email today to help me sort out a situation I find myself in - stuck and unable to move forward while my head remained in the sand trying to ignore matters.
I’m going to try this coping tool, ACT and hopefully find the strength and self belief to move forward at last. Thank you
-Carole K
Your newsletters really speak to me each week. They always seem to be what I really need to hear at that time.
Thank you so much for everything you do. Your writing is beautiful and comes from the heart.
-Jenny L
So thank you. Know that your email nudged someone in pain into a behaviour that served as an elixir for a few minutes and today I actually ran. Which makes me a better person. More importantly, it makes me a better Mother. Definitely to my daughter and maybe one day to myself.
-Katherine C
Thank you 😊 and thank you for your newsletters, they keep me going too and make me think about things differently or on different wavelengths that I hadn’t even thought of and they way I say things when tired could sound sharp and reasonings behind things that I don’t grasp so from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you and keep going, your not just making a difference in my life but others too.
-Joanne R
Thank you!!! Sorry for taking so long to reach out again but your emails make my inbox so much better! 😂😂 have a wonderful week!
-Stephanie T
I have a couple of things I want you to know. Your email writings are the only ones I ever take the time to read from start to finish. You always seem to have your thumb on the pulse of exactly what and how I am feeling. Reading what you write is like having a conversation with you. You are honest, generous, empathetic and compassionate (wow, no pressure there)! :)
I appreciate you and that is what I want you to know.
-Chris H
Please know that your emails are ALWAYS welcome, encouraging and pertinent. I don’t always respond, don’t always follow your suggestions and sometimes take a step backwards while I’m at it. But please PLEASE know that your messages are important, they are welcome and they are helpful.
I hope all is wonderful for you and just wanted to tell you that your emails have truly helped me heal. Thank you for that.
-Samantha B
Thanks for taking a risk with these emails each week. I appreciate the inspiration they give me when I take time to read them. Sometimes I read several week's worth at a time as I carve out reflection time.
I look forward to receiving your words of wisdom and encouragement every week. You write with such honesty. Even though we have never met, you know me so well. You have a brilliant mind and Talent (is an understatement).
-Denis C
Your post inspired me today in the most wonderful way. I reached out to a former colleague that I had a falling out with and we made up and had a very healing conversation. This poem below was the sign that I needed. I am forever grateful.
Excuses upon excuses - all churned up in fear. What if it goes right, what if I have to change?
I haven't unsubscribed, I'm being brave and taking responsibility
Thank you so much, you really do talk sense! As well as kicking backsides
Hi Chris, don't ever give up, I love reading your newsletters as I'm sure many other people do too. I love your wisdom and take on life, it has helped me through some very dark times. Thank you.
-Moira J
I just read your Sunday letter. Sometimes I hang onto them, unread, to save for a really shitty day, knowing that I'll need whatever it is you have to say right then and there.
This time, you managed to wrap up the words of one of my favorite Presidents with a message from your own heart to deliver an arrow of *deeply* eloquent inspiration.
Feels like this theme has kind of been smacking me upside the head lately without my being able to articulate it.
You know how it is when you're just beyond the breakers waiting for the perfect wave, and you keep being lifted out there, feeling the immense power of the sea?
Think that wave may be cresting, my friend. Let's catch it!
As hockey great Wayne Gretzky says, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
I love you, man!! ♥️
I absolutely appreciate and respect what you are doing for so many of us who don’t have the “magic" of your literary ability and delivery Chris! I’m not sure how long I have been gifted with your emails but can say with 100% certainty that it is at the top of my favourite list. It is raw honesty. ZERO candy coating. I freakin HATE candy coated crap! So again, PLEASE know that your emails are touching hearts and changing lives.
Chris, you've done it again. Moved me, made me feel seen and embraced in all my self doubts. You are doing something really important here. I wish it could be more than via emails. Do you lead workshops or have webinars, etc? I want more.
-Jennifer L
Even though I don't go to church any more on Sunday, I find that your messages are often the best, most relevant "Sunday Sermon" I ever received when I was going. So yes, I find them valuable, because it helps me go deeper inside and transform. So thank you for shining your light my way.
-Richard D.
Hi Chris, I'm a new subscriber to your emails having discovered you through an article on Tiny Buddha. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your emails this week even though my inbox is out of control I am now prioritizing reading the ones from you. Your newsletter today really spoke to my heart its like you read my mind . I have been living my life out of fear for the past two years , and my world has become smaller and smaller and I'm not happy with this new person I've become. I feel trapped in this life and my duties to my family have made me put my own life and goals
on the backburner. I don't want to live a life filled with unmet needs and dreams but I don't know where to start. Looking forward to hearing more of your insightful insights.
Thanks for making a difference in my life.
-Barbara L
I read this through tears. I've been stuck in a mode of struggling, unsatisfied frustration. Thank you so much for what you do. You actually put a smile on my face, even if just for a second.
-Stacey D
Hi Chris - I just wanted to say 'thank you' for your posts. I haven't been responding much over the last two years, but I read them every week :) Firstly, congratulations on the arrival of Willow! Willow is actually my favourite movie ever so I love LOVE her name! And I'm also loving your joy which comes through so clearly in your posts. Parenthood is a game-changer: it is never just about you again, and you don't care a bit! But, for me, if I had not had my children around the past 25 years, I would not have tackled my mental illness the way I have, and I would be a very different, and much less happy, individual.
I really wanted to thank you for your post this week. I am training to be a counsellor here in BC and so learning to care about, but not to carry others' burdens, and to put them down at the end of the session is a hard lesson I am learning.
I am a primary carer for my adult youngest kid who lives with chronic physical and life-impacting mental illnesses. It's really REALLY hard for me to not tie my own happiness into how they are doing on any day - this was a great reminder.
I am also just about to go onto a call with my two sisters (who don't get on) to try and finalize details for our father's funeral - where everyone (plus his wife's family) want something different. I've been so depleted trying to keep everyone happy and realizing that one person's happiness will mean someone else is not ... and I needed your post this morning, because I needed to be reminded that I can do my very best ... and then let it go.
So, just in case you ever needed a reminder that your weekly posts are worthwhile - they are worthwhile to me! :)
-Fiona S
As I continue to catch up and absorb your emails, I can't thank you enough for all that you do to share your heartfelt, authentic thoughts with those of us who are fortunate to receive your inspiration in our in boxes. Your thoughts about being vulnerable, rejection, imposter syndrome, "the voice", etc. are things I've personally struggled with my entire life, so thanks again for not being afraid to keep it real.
-Christine L
Gold in my inbox. Thank you, Chris.
-Kari L
I can't possibly thank you enough for the weekly letter you send. There are many weeks that what you write feels like you are in my mind, reading my thoughts. This week especially hits home as I find myself increasingly blocking out and avoiding life.
-Chris H
Thank you!! Once again. I love your blogs on a Sunday morning. They hit home so often. And today’s was EXACTLY what I needed.
I read your blog today and thought me too me too. Thanks for being a mirror back so often in a real way. I love the way you write. It’s so bloody real and refreshing.
Okay. Just wanted to say once again that you inspire me every Sunday. No pressure! Sorry. But you just being you, honest about mental health , feelings, and straight talking is really brilliant. And I like that you swear. I’m a NZer and it’s so nice to hear it spoken naturally. Refreshing!
-Megana A
This is the best yet. Can’t tell you how much I needed this.
-Kari P
There are times I get these emails and I be like, “Has Chris been reading my thoughts?!” I swear it’s kinda eerie.
-Rachael B