Why does Simplify Your Why exist?

(because you matter)


When people are stressed out, unhappy and frustrated by the quality of their lives, their mental health and life start to feel out of control.

This is a major stressor for people because you begin to believe you've lost the power to direct your life. Our home life falls apart, our relationships become a source of pain and happiness feels like a luxury item we can't afford.

Simplify Your Why is the first step to the beginning of a better future because we help you hit the reset button, reclaim your time and invest in a fulfilling life (with less stress and more happiness).

When you feel aligned with the important things in life, it gives you peace of mind and saves you from a life filled with regrets.


How do we accomplish our mission?

(these are the character traits we teach)

Courageous Communicator - We believe mental health is not a liability, but a superpower that transforms us when we use our personal stories of struggle to inspire and share solutions for a better life with others.

Hang N’ Bang Podcast, Simplify Your Why Blog, Simplify Sunday’s Newsletter.

Seeker Of Simplicity - We believe that complexity is the enemy of happiness and fulfillment. Life is simple. Are you happy? Yes? Keep going. No? Change something.

Devilishly Disciplined - We believe that anything can be accomplished when we commit to a plan that puts our mind, body and spirit as the focus of our energy, as we create the kind of the world we want to live in.


What is the Simplify Your Why way of life?

(this is the way of life we’ll share with you)

We learn - We believe that learning is a daily keystone habit to fulfillment. Become who you are by learning who you are. When you act on what you've learned, it's amazing what you can create in your life. How can you take what you've learned today to make your life different tomorrow?

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

We share - We believe that when we share the ideas that inspire us in a way that inspires others to take action, we can create an environment that gives those struggling with mental health a sense of hope that they too can enjoy a fulfilling life.

“…death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It’s life’s change agent; it clears out the old to make way for the new … Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs

We have fun - We believe that to enjoy life, we need to balance accomplishment with play. People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing each and every day.

“This is the real secret to life—to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” – Alan Watts


Why does our mission matter to you?

(because I can help you create the life you want)

When people are stressed out, unhappy and frustrated by the quality of their lives, their mental health and life start to feel out of control. At Simplify Your Why, we believe the path to living a happy and fulfilling life can be simplified when you have a plan to control the important things in your life.


That all sounds awesome, but who the hell are you and why are you talking about mental health?

Some guy named Chris.

Hey, I’m Chris Wilson and I’m all about keeping life simple.

I'm a bipolar creative with a knack for personal development. I geek out on productivity, minimalism, and enjoying life. I share lessons learned on overcoming my battles with depression and type II bipolar. And I occasionally say fuck. Sorry, Mom.

I’m going to teach you everything I know about how to master your mental health because I've learned the path to living a happy and fulfilling life can be simplified with a plan.

Over the last decade, I’ve learned many lessons the hard way. None more important than the realization that pushing on without fixing what's not working means you'll keep getting extra servings of what you don't want in your life.

If I had been in a rock band, I could have called my twenties the Destruction Tour. At 25, the tour was in full swing and I had lost grasp of reality. A diagnosis of type II bipolar and chronic depression turned out to be the headliner of the show.

Then came a single decision that changed my life forever.

I made a decision to stop wasting energy fighting where I was in the present moment. I took control of my life by investing the energy in where I wanted to go. Making the decision took place in a second. Reaping the rewards took years.

Throughout those years, I kept a journal of what works (therapy, medication, meditation, exercise, writing, drinking water, getting high, having fun and sharing my experience with others) and what doesn’t (crappy sleep, crappy people, crappy food, crappy jobs, crappy mindset, and feeling like I had no control over my life) and what helps us thrive in life (simplify your life so you can focus on the important things). My work is a product of that research: how to create a happier life (even if you have no idea where to start).

My work is for anyone who wants to hit the reset button and create a better future, where you are in control of your happiness. I will provide you with impactful and actionable techniques that you can employ immediately to experience less stress and more happiness.

Here is my main goal for what I share: I want to teach you how to take charge of your mental health once and for all. Because when you feel aligned with the important things in life, it gives you peace of mind and saves you from a life filled with regrets.

It's within your power to create a daily step-by-step plan that moves you toward everything you've ever wanted (even if you've never been able to before).

You just need a compass that gives you a direction to point so you know where to walk.